Our story

We all need a roof over our heads

And we’re here to help you with finding one! We search all available property listings day and night, so you have every potential property listing under one roof! This saves you tons of time during your search, and allows you to focus on what really matters: not just finding a house, but finding a home.

Why rentaroof?

Rentaroof was founded by professionals who wanted to make a difference in the rental housing market. They saw opportunities to simplify the rental process, by creating smart digital platforms that help homeseekers finding a home a little easier. By doing a lot of research, we understand the problems that occur in the UK market. That’s why we came up with a smart tool to help you with your search for a rental property. When using rentaroof, you can see all of the available properties, and you’re given the opportunity to respond as one of the first. How? We search every website 24/7 for new property, and collect these on our platform for you! You will be the first to know about new properties through our fast alerts. We are always up-to-date with the latest developments within the rental sector and adapt our platform to those, so we can provide you with the best service possible.

Start your first 3-day trial now for just £1 to supercharge your home search and unlock realtors contact details and more!

Would you like to learn more about how rentaroof works? Check out our How it works page to find out!

Who are we

Hi! We are rentaroof, part of TreeHouse Netherlands. Our organisation consists of a team of professionals with years of experience in the rental housing market. We understand the process of renting or letting a property like no other and the challenges that come with it. TreeHouse creates various housing platforms that offer solutions for property seekers and estate agents to simplify this process. Our different departments work together every day to improve our services, so we can provide everything you need to find your new home, under one roof.