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    Frequently Asked Questions

    How does rentaroof work?

    We scan 3,500 websites and add over 4,500+ new properties on a daily basis, saving you as much precious time as possible in your search for a new home ⏰. Our notification service automatically sends you all new matches within your search criteria, giving you that important edge over fellow property hunters 💌. With a premium account, you will unlock access to over 85,000 rental properties and be able to view the landlords' contact information. Now you can contact them right away!

    Why choose rentaroof over other rental websites?

    Rentaroof is primarily tailored to meet the needs of property seekers. Our service simplifies your search by scanning all available rental properties from landlords across the UK in one convenient place 🕵️. This ensures that you have access to a comprehensive selection of rental properties, aimed at you as a home seeker. In contrast to traditional platforms, which may not encompass all estate agents' listings, rentaroof offers a complete overview.

    How do I create a rentaroof account?

    Your account with rentaroof is created after you make a search query with your housing preferences, so we can keep you updated via email about the latest offerings 💌. The first 3 days are a trial period where you only need to pay £1. After that, your account will automatically transition to premium, and you will be charged £4.95. This way you'll unlock realtors contact details and more!

    Why do I have to pay?

    We work very hard to make rentaroof perform optimally. That’s why we can send you all the available rental properties super fast! We scan 3,500 websites day and night to ensure you don't miss out on one single property. On top of that, our quality system checks the availability of every rental property every hour. Every pound we earn, we invest once again to ensure that our services keep performing at its best, offering you properties, checked on quality and availability 😇.

    Customer support weekdays 8am to 4pm

    78,057 available properties

    201 people found their home

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